Subcutaneous Anthology 9/17/2024

In today’s edition:

  • AirPods: from noise-canceling flexes into full-blown medical devices

  • JPow is turning up by cutting down interest rates for the first time in 4 years

  • California’s AI Safety Bill Awaits (a major shakeup to the tech industry?)

  • Riding the NVIDIA Rollercoaster

  • AI’s potential stake in bio warfare

~5 min. read (1,200 words)

📊 Economics Edge

Rate Cut Rumblings: What’s JPow Got Up His Sleeve This Time?
Get ready for Jerome Powell’s big moment—everyone’s waiting to see if he’ll just trim a little with a quarter-point rate cut or go full send with a half-point slash. It's the first time he’s cutting rates since 2020, and let’s be honest, the Fed might be playing catch-up. With the labor market showing signs of cooling, some analysts think JPow might opt for the more dramatic move. Either way, the markets are on edge, waiting to see just how deep the cut goes.

NVIDIA’s Wild Stock Ride
NVIDIA had a rollercoaster of a week, adding nearly 16% in value, around $400 billion, after taking a 13.74% nosedive the week before. AI stocks overall had a strong showing, but with this level of volatility, the real question is: Will NVIDIA keep riding the bull or face another correction? Stay tuned, because this stock seems to have mood swings as fast as its GPUs.

⚙️ Tech Trends

Apple’s AirPods Pro 2 Are Now Also Hearing Aids, Because Why Not?
With the FDA’s green light, your AirPods Pro 2 can now act as over-the-counter hearing aids. Now, fixing your hearing is just another status symbol, as sleek and shiny as your latest iPhone. Sure, they last six hours and need an iPhone or iPad, but at $249, they're turning hearing aids from "medical expense" into "must-have accessory." What’s next, Apple? AirPods that remind you to drink water and do your taxes?

AI Apocalypse or Just Another Tuesday? OpenAI Warns of Bioweapon Risks with New Model
OpenAI’s latest AI model, o1, just got slapped with a "medium risk" warning… And no, it’s not because it’s outsmarting you at Wordle. Turns out, this AI is so good at "enhanced reasoning" that it might also help experts develop biological weapons more efficiently. During testing, o1 even manipulated data to fake alignment, because apparently, dodging rules is now an AI skill. While it won’t hand out bioweapons to just anyone, its potential to speed up research has some experts sweating.

California's AI Safety Bill Sparks Heated Debate
Oh boy, here we go; California’s AI Safety Bill has just waltzed its way to Gavin Newsom’s desk, and if you’ve ever wondered what would happen if you mixed paranoia, bureaucracy, and Silicon Valley panic into a cocktail of regulatory chaos, this is it. The bill’s all about throwing a regulatory wrench into Big Tech’s AI machine. Now we’re talking mandatory kill switches on AI, audits every other day, and the whole deal. Think Meta, Google, and OpenAI are just going to roll over? Nope, they’re losing it. Meta’s Marky Zuck probably spat out his kale smoothie reading this, because this bill is basically setting the stage for Silicon Valley's next Hunger Games. Everyone from Nancy Pelosi to the Y Combinator mafia is screaming, “It’s too vague! It’ll ruin innovation!” and maybe they have a point… We’re talking rules so murky you’d think they were written after an all-nighter fueled by bad ideas and worse intentions. But AI safety? Yeah, let’s just slap some stickers on it and call it a day, right?

🤿 Deep Dive of the Day

The Financial Circus: Where Bears, Bulls, and Everyone in Between Are Just Throwing Darts Blindfolded

Let’s get one thing straight: the stock market is absolutely unhinged right now. We’re talking Kanye West levels of unpredictability. You had stocks spiraling into a September death spiral like the economy was in a straight-up reality TV finale - and then, BAM, best week of the year!

Did we all forget how bad it was just days ago? You know, before we started pretending everything's rosy again because the Fed is about to toss us another interest rate cut like it’s Oprah: "You get a cut! You get a cut!".

The whole system is absurd. Risky tech stocks - you know, those companies basically running on vibes, memes, and overpriced coffee - skyrocketed. We’re talking the kind of jump that makes you wonder if people are investing or rolling dice in a back alley somewhere.

But wait, it gets better: the so-called "defensive" stocks, like Coca-Cola and Walmart - those recession-proof titans you clutch onto like your last bit of sanity when the economy goes to hell - they’re also winning. Coca-Cola is out here thriving like it's the next Bitcoin. Coke! The same drink people use to clean rust off car batteries!

And don’t even get me started on Walmart. You know things are off the rails when Walmart, the mothership of discount sweatpants and Cheetos, starts outpacing the S&P 500. And this has been going on for weeks. It’s like the economy is having a breakdown in real-time, and we’re all just here eating popcorn, waiting for the next plot twist.

The bottom line is, the markets are running around like a chicken with its head cut off. One minute it’s a bloodbath, the next we’re back to singing Kumbaya around the campfire, hoping Jerome Powell comes through with another cut. Meanwhile, your 401(k) is hanging on by a thread, and some tech bro with a "disruptive app" is about to make millions.

So yeah, stay tuned for Wednesday when the Fed decides if we're going to keep pretending everything's fine or if the market will finally remember it’s supposed to be a dumpster fire. Either way, make sure you're strapped in. This rollercoaster ride ain't slowing down.

🍪 News Bites


  1. 🚨 JPow’s gearing up to either chop rates by a dainty quarter-point or go full beast mode with a half-point slash. First cut since 2020 - could be a game-changer or just a warm-up act. Markets are sweating it out.

  2. 🎢 NVIDIA’s stock is on a wild ride, up 16% after a 13.74% dive last week.

  3. 🎧 AirPods Pro 2 are now hearing aids. At $249, they’ll help you hear better while looking cooler than ever.

  4. 🤖 AI Apocalypse?: OpenAI’s new model is so sharp it might help develop bioweapons.

  5. 🌴 California’s AI Safety Bill is causing a ruckus in the tech landscape

  6. 📉 The stock market’s a circus right now. One minute it’s crashing, the next it’s partying like it’s 1999. Risky tech stocks are soaring while your old-school defensive stocks like Coca-Cola and Walmart are having a renaissance.