Subcutaneous Anthology 9/10/2024

In today’s edition:

  • Americans use a record breaking 100 Trillion megabytes of wireless data in 2023

  • Inflation

  • Game Stop stock

  • Emotion AI is getting hyped (or is it?)

~2 min. read (407 words)

📊 Economics Edge

⚙️ Tech Trends

🤿 Deep Dive of the Day

Emotion AI

Yep, you heard it right. In a bid to make robots seem like they actually give a damn, tech giants are now injecting their AI with what they’re calling "emotional intelligence." Let’s unpack this brilliant idea of using technology to tackle problems caused by - wait for it - more technology. Classic.

Emotion AI: The Latest Tech Trend or Just Another Overhyped Disaster?

Picture this: AI assistants are now trying to decode whether your "What do you mean by that?" is laced with frustration or just a genuine inquiry. Because, obviously, our robot overlords need to grasp the subtle nuances of human emotions to excel at their jobs. The geniuses over at PitchBook are predicting Emotion AI is going to be the next big thing, and it’s currently buzzing through the tech industry like a caffeine addict at Starbucks.

Here’s the rundown: Emotion AI is supposed to be the fancy new cousin of sentiment analysis, the old-school tech that tried to figure out how people were feeling based on what they were typing online. But instead of just analyzing text, Emotion AI throws in sensors, microphones, and maybe even your toaster to detect how you’re feeling based on your voice, face, and other mysterious inputs. This is supposed to make AI more "human-like" in its responses, which, if you’ve ever interacted with a customer service chatbot, sounds like a terrible idea.

The Silicon Valley Pipe Dream

Emotion AI might sound like a breakthrough, but let’s be real - Silicon Valley’s track record with “revolutionary” ideas is about as reliable as a jar of rocks. The tech elites are now trying to solve the problems caused by tech with even more tech. The concept includes adding cameras and microphones to various devices, possibly even your wearable tech.

Remember when they tried to make AI "see" and "hear" like humans? Yeah, that didn’t go so well. Research from 2019 concluded that AI’s attempts to read emotions based on facial expressions are pretty much worthless. Guess what? That’s still true. At least for now…

The Regulatory Roadblock

Let’s not forget about the potential regulatory roadblocks. The EU’s AI Act is already targeting computer-vision emotion detection systems for some uses, and states like Illinois are making sure your biometric data isn’t being swiped without your permission. It’s like the tech world is setting up for a grand finale where Emotion AI is the punchline to a bad joke.

Conclusion: Will Emotion AI Save the Day or Just Be a New Office Annoyance?

So here’s the deal: Emotion AI is the latest buzzword being tossed around by tech companies who are hoping to jazz up their products by adding a layer of "empathy." But as history has shown us, this might just be another high-tech mirage. Instead of creating a workforce filled with emotionally intelligent robots, we might end up with a bunch of AI that’s slightly better at pretending to care about your problems but still useless when it comes to real human interaction.

🍪 News Bites


  1. AI is getting emotional

  2. Inflation is always a hot topic

  3. Game Stop is about to ride the trendy wave

  4. Americans break records thanks to phone addiction

  5. Some AI vacuums are better than others